Getting Started

Creating an account and API Key

To get started using our APIs, you'll first need to create a free account.

Creating an account

  1. Visit our main website at and click the Sign Up link at the top right

  2. Complete the required fields (first and last name, email address and password), and review and accept the terms of use

  3. You can optionally sign up to our mailing list to receive product news and updates

  4. We'll send you an email to verify your address. You'll need to click the link to verify your email before continuing

Sign in to your account

  1. Click sign in on our main website

  2. Enter your account details and sign in

  3. If you're unable to sign in, click 'Forgot password' to receive a password reset link

  4. After signing in, you'll be redirected to the Developer Console

You can update your account details by visiting the Account page, where you can change your name, email address, or password or delete your account.

Creating your first API key

Before you can call a Radiant Drift API end-point, you'll need to create an API key.

  1. From the Developer Console, click API Keys

  2. On the API Keys page, click Create API Key to generate a new API key associated with your account

  3. The new API key is enabled and active by default

  4. We recommend you edit the key to set a meaningful description (e.g. 'For use in Production environment')

  5. You may optionally disable the key temporarily to prevent its use - however, we recommend deleting any API keys you no longer plan to use

You can now use your API key to authenticate your API requests.

Last updated